

WordQ 5 supports elementary and secondary students by offering practical strategies that take advantage of state-of-the-art word prediction, speech feedback, proofreading, enhanced topical web searches, and other unique technologies.

This supports current UDL environments recognizing the importance of pedagogy and integration of assistive technology. Teachers/instructors can focus on helping students work and learn more independently—making them effective writers in the long run.

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WordQ5WordQ 5 supports primary and secondary students by offering practical strategies that take advantage of state-of-the-art word prediction, speech feedback, proofreading, enhanced topical web searches, and other unique technologies.

This supports current UDL environments recognising the importance of pedagogy and integration of assistive technology. Teachers/instructors can focus on helping students work and learn more independently—making them effective writers in the long run.

IMPORTANT:Please note that since 2022 all WordQ licences are sold as annual subscriptions

Key Features and Benefits

  • Advanced word prediction helps with spelling and grammar using three levels of vocabulary with a background prediction dictionary of 80,000 linguistically aligned words and phrases appropriate for elementary and secondary schools; profanity and bias-free.
  • Easy-to-use interface supports offline writing across desktop applications.
  • High-quality speech feedback allows students to hear what they write in a clear and pleasant voice to immediately capture mistakes independently.
  • Proofreading mode guides students to readily find and correct spelling and grammar mistakes.
  • *NEW* Dynamic topics with integrated ThoughtQ technology helps students research and write about an unfamiliar topic.
  • *NEW (Windows only)* Speech recognition with integrated SpeakQ technology supports students who have difficulty with conventional dictation software.
  • *NEW and FREE* ReaderQ Chrome browser extension guides students to actively read, take notes and paraphrase while working with web pages, and helps reduce plagiarism.
  • *NEW* Annual subscription model.
  • Single WordQ licenses are valid for 12 months from date of purchase. Licences are for one email account with up-to two installations (home and school/work).
  • Each licence allows unlimited users on a single computer.
  • Upgrades to future versions (ie. WordQ 6) are subject to an upgrade fee.
  • Click on the link below to access a free 30 day trial.  No credit card details required until purchase.

WordQ is recognised by NDIS as an assistive technology and is eligible for funding through the NDIS programme.

Compu.Ed is registered with NDIS as an approved provider.